The Rio Bravo Ranch, consisting of approximately 3,200 hectares and located along the Kern River downstream from the mouth of Kern Canyon, is home to some of Bakersfield’s most breathtaking scenery. Today, the Nickel family continues to own and operate the Rio Bravo Ranch, with James Nickel, a fifth-generation descendant of Henry Miller, as its president. The ranch farms various varieties of citrus, almonds, cherries and olives and grazes cattle on the open land.
Winning awards is always an honor and a testament to the hard work we put in year-round to produce the highest-quality oil we can.
Stefanie Wickensheimer, executive assistant
We were pretty excited, to say the least. These are the first Golds we’ve won at the NYIOOC and three of our oils won the prestigious award.
Stefanie Wickensheimer, executive assistant